Flyers & Posters & Quarter-Cards

Getting the name of Democracy Matters out and about on your campus is a must. To do that you need to be creative and use flyers, posters, table tents, and quarter cards that can be posted, handed out, put on tables in dining areas, on seats in classrooms, in bathroom stalls, and in “odd” places where people will not expect them. You need to grab their attention and repeat your message frequently and in different forms.

Hints for Good Flyers:

1) Bright and eye-catching
2) Display the Democracy Matters logo on EVERYTHING you print. You can download our Logo right off our website.
3) Have the same “look” so people begin to recognize Democracy Matters
4) Do NOT use too many words or try to give too much information at once.
5) Leave lots of white space and make the words large enough to be readable.
6) Present a “hook” to catch attention: e.g. A question like “Did you know that??; a picture of Adonal; a controversial statement.
7) Be sure to include your contact information.
8) Check out sample handouts and flyers to see what other campuses have created and used. Also, make sure you check out our on-line library of pictures, cartoons, and clip art.

Flyers and Democracy Matters Meetings:

1) At your DM meeting ask each person to adopt a constituency of people who “should care” about money in politics (e.g. students, environmentalists, women, civil rights advocates, consumers, taxpayers, seniors etc.) Ask them to check the response to our on-line FAQ: Why should everyone care about taking private money out of politics?
2) Each person comes back to the next meeting with a flyer they made that relates to that group.
3) Sharing the flyers at the meeting, discuss which order makes sense to display them around campus.


These are quarter-page handouts advertising an event. This is known to be one of the most effective methods of advertising an event because the actual “handoff” ensures 1:1 contact. Make lots of these and have DM members hand them out in their classes before class.

In addition to personally handing off the quarter-cards to people, quarter-cards can be placed strategically around campus – on cafeterias tables, computer labs, libraries etc.

Here are some creative examples:
